大家對「HAKONE TENT」的第一印象是什麼?我一看到「HAKONE TENT」的照片就會聯想到一間木製的小屋^_^ 是我喜愛的風格。「HAKONE TENT」的姐妹民宿「天幕TENMAKU」也是一間很特別很有風格的民宿,最近我從老闆的介紹才得知,原來「天幕TENMAKU」的設計師在小田原開設了一家咖啡店「nico cafe」,一樓是咖啡店,還有售賣手作布偶和書刊,二樓則是個人工作室,平時不對外開放。
What is your first impression of “HAKONE TENT”? It reminds me of a little wooden house which is my favorite ^_^ “IRORI GUESTHOUSE TENMAKU”, the second guesthouse, is also a stylised and unique guesthouse. Recently my boss introduces me the “nico cafe” in Odawara. The owner of “nico cafe” is the designer of ”IRORI GUESTHOUSE TENMAKU”! The first floor of “nico cafe” is the cafe area, and there is a small space selling handmade dolls and some books. The second floor is a private studio.
First floor of “nico cafe”
When I enter the cafe, there is a cello at the entrance. What an unique decoration!
The cafe menu
Deep fried Chicken(Plum Vinegar Taste) with Rice & Miso Soup(¥1000), Homemade UME Soda(¥550)
我點了”nico cafe”的人氣元祖唐揚炸雞配飯及味噌湯和自家製梅子梳打,唐揚炸雞超好吃!還可以外賣唐揚炸雞呢!
I ordered the famous “Deep fried Chicken(Plum Vinegar Taste) with Rice & Miso Soup” and Homemade UME Soda. Deep fried chicken is so delicious and it is also available for take-away!
之前在Google Map上看到在”nico cafe”不遠處竟然有間售賣自家製純素甜品的咖啡小店「BLEU COFFEE STAND & BAR」,決定在”nico cafe”吃過午餐後,到這間咖啡小店試試純素甜品。(香港其實有很多純素甜品咖啡店,我在香港時已經常光顧這些咖啡店,今次在日本第一次遇到純素甜品咖啡店!)^_^
As I checked on Google Map, there is another cafe near “nico cafe” which sells homemade vegan sweets, “BLEU COFFEE STAND & BAR”. So, I decided to visit this cafe after having lunch in “nico cafe”. (Actually there are lots of vegan sweets cafe in Hong Kong, and I always visit these cafes. It is my first time to discover vegan sweets cafe in Japan!)^_^
Chocolate Banana Vegan Cake (¥450), Cafe Latte (¥500)
The vegan cake is so yummy! The cafe owner will put the photos of today’s vegan sweets on Instagram.
「nico cafe」
地址: 〒250-0011神奈川県小田原市栄町2-15-26
Address: 2 Chome-15-26 Sakaecho, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0011
電話Tel: 0465-43-6692
Website: https://nicocafe.myportfolio.com
Facebook: Nico Cafe
營業時間: 10:30~17:00 (不定休,請留意Facebook 專頁)
Opening hours: 10:30~17:00 (Please refer to Facebook Page)
地址 Address: 栄町2-12-46, Odawara, Kanagawa, 250-0011, Japan
電話Tel: 0465-46-6995
Instagram: bleucoffeestandandbar
營業時間: 10:00〜23:00 (星期二至五)
11:00〜23:00 (星期六)
定休日: 星期日及一
Opening hours: 10:00~23:00(Tue to Fri)
Closing days: Sun to Mon