一説到小田原,就會想到小田原城,但原來小田原城旁邊有座傳統神社 – 報徳二宮神社。
來報徳二宮神社的目的是為了到訪二宮金次郎咖啡店 (きんじろうカフェ) ,而我本來就有收集御朱印章和到訪不同咖啡店的習慣,所以今次來到小田原,真是一舉兩得!
What do you think of Odawara? Many people think of Odawara Castle at once. However, there is also a traditional shrine next to Odawara Castle – Hotokuninomiya Shrine. The reason why I know about this shrine is that I want to visit the special cafe in the shrine area. Since I like collecting Japanese shrine stamps and visiting different cafes, it is really a good chance for me be here in Odawara( ^ω^ )
This shrine was built for the famous Japanese philosopher in Edo era of Japan, Ninomiya Sontoku. His sculpture was made as a child reading the book. I arrived at the shrine at 3pm and the atmosphere there was quiet without any tourists. And I could see maple leaves at the entrance!
二宮金次郎咖啡店 (きんじろうカフェ)就在雕像後,一看到咖啡店的設計加上神社的園林景色就感到很舒服!急不及待走進咖啡店點了有名的”呉汁セット” ,還有Cappuccino,很喜歡Cappuccino 上的拉花和咖啡店的特別圖案 ♡ ”呉汁セット”就像味噌湯跟炊飯,很好吃!
The cafe is just behind the sculpture. It is so relaxing and comfortable to sit in the cafe and enjoy the view of the shrine. I have ordered the “Gojiru Set” and cappuccino with latte art.
呉汁セット (¥850),Cappuccino (¥550)
Gojiru Set (¥850) and Cappuccino (¥550)
The Cafe Menu
After having a meal in cafe, I went to the shrine for praying. This is the shrine stamps with the date written on the paper. Yeah! ^_^
二宮金次郎咖啡店 Cafe (きんじろうカフェ)
地址: 神奈川県 小田原市 城内 8-10 小田原城隣接 報徳二宮神社内
Address: 8-10 Jonai, Odawara, Kanagawa 250-0014
營業時間: 11:00~17:00 (每日)